Holy Week: Good Friday

(For a full account of the events of this day, see Matthew 27:1–61, Mark 15:1–47, Luke 23:1–56, John 18:28–19:42.) On Thursday night in Gethsemane, Jesus was arrested—betrayed by one of his disciples and abandoned by the others. The chief...

Holy Week: Thursday

(For a full account of the events of this day, see Matthew 26:17–75, Mark 14:12–72, Luke 22:7–71, John 13:1–18:27.) The Thursday prior to Jesus’s crucifixion fills many pages in Scripture. It begins with John and Peter securing the...

Holy Week: Wednesday

(For a full account of the events of this day, see Matthew 26:6–16, Mark 14:3–11, Luke 22:3–6.) The past several days have been a rush of tension and anger for Jesus’s opponents—and of unflinching resolve for Jesus....

Holy Week: Tuesday

(For a full account of the events of this day, see Matthew 21:23–26:5, Mark 11:27–14:2, Luke 20:1–22:2, John 12:37–50.) If Monday’s arrival in the temple was an all-inclusive, living parable of cleansing God’s house, Tuesday’s entrance is a direct,...

Holy Week: Monday

(For a full account of the events of this day, see Matthew 21:12–22, Mark 11:12–19, Luke 19:45–48.) If Jerusalem was a beehive, with his triumphal entry Jesus had hit it with a stick. You could hear the buzz...